Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Drawing fundamentals at Bothwell Art center Livermore CA.

Have you always wanted to learn how to draw? Do you want to enhance your drawing skills? This class is designed for the beginner and those of you wanting to improve your drawing skills.

This class will allow the student to gain knowledge, skills, and understanding to enhance the artistic process through drawing. Charcoal will be the main medium used, however pencil, chalks, and pen and ink are welcome. It's never too late to learn how to draw or reinforce fundamentals that you may already know. We will break down complex concepts like line, tone, value, perspective, and composition into ideas anyone can understand. We will work on the fundamentals, geometric shapes, light and shadow, perspective and line. Materials list will be provided.

Mondays, Sept., 14, 21, 28 and Oct. 5 from 6-9 pm $120 four week class

COURSE OBJECTIVES The student will:

1. Develop skill using linear perspective with cubic and cylindrical forms.

2. Develop skill in designing compositions.

3. Understand value system

4. Sight measuring, and head proportions

5. Learn how to use line

Sign up: (925) 447-2787 agiancola@livermoreperformingarts.org